Interior Design Themes

Black Theme

Thinking of moving away from the familiar white and beige requires a little bit of risk, but the potential payoff is more than worth it. Dark theme cabinets with touches of gold trims, the new lingering scent of a lush leather sofa and the carefully chosen decor mingles with modern selections to bring out the full range of personality in this space. Exploring unconventional colour themes is always an adventure.

Modern Theme

Modern design, refers to the specific time period between the early to mid-twentieth century, with a simple colour palette, clean lines and a broad design spectrum, you are able to utilize many elements of glass, metal, steel and wood, with modern theme applies simplicity in every design aspect under its theme unlike contemporary designs.

Modern Classic Theme

Modern classic design, refers to the specific time period between the early twentieth century unlike modern theme, modern classical design is at the beginning transiting from classical designs. Modern classic theme have to take out all of the classical heavy outlines from carpets, curtains, cabinets and flamboyant furniture and have to utilize the clean and crips design theme to bring out the flavour of modern classic design.

Modern Scandi Theme

Scandinavian theme has been characterised by modern, simple, minimalist and functionality design. It is one of the ways to stay close to nature while staying in the urban area especially in the country we live in, Singapore. Using colours of white, gray, blue, black, and cream to really bring out the character in the theme.

Woody Theme

woody theme is the current trending chic in Singapore’s industry. The colour of woody theme varies from light rustic oak colours to dark walnut colours. Completing woody themes with woody furniture would enable best of both worlds to merge both the interior of the home with the fittings providing a harmonious look.

Modern Contemporary Theme

Contemporary focuses on softened and rounded lines. By using gentle shapes and colour to bring out sophistication of the home yet remaining simple. As time moves along, the definition of modern contemporary would varies and might be totally different from 5 years ago.

Simple Modern Theme

As simple suggests, the matching of the colours provided a lightweight feel. Enabling the home to feel uncluttered and feel spacious keeping the interior decor to a minimal. The last step for a simple modern is a dash of bold colour to express your character within the home.

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